Binary Search on Sorted Array

Binary Search on Sorted Array

Given a sorted array of size N and an integer K, find the position at which K is present in the array using binary search.


Binary search divides the input array by half at every step. After every step, either we find the index we are looking for, or we discard half of the array.

  • - At each step, consider the array between low and high indices.

  • - Get a middle index: mid.

  • - Compare mid to K, if equal to K return mid index.

  • -If mid > K, Change the index high to mid - 1, low remains the same

  • - if mid < k, Change low to mid + 1. high remains the same

    class Solution {
      int binarysearch(int arr[], int n, int k) {
          // code here
          int low = 0;
          int high = n-1;
          while (low <= high) {
              // Finding the mid using floor division
              int mid = low + ((high - low) / 2);
              // Target value is present at the middle of the array
              if (arr[mid] == k) {
                  return mid;
              // Target value is present in the low subarray
              else if (k < arr[mid]) {
                  high = mid - 1;
              // Target value is present in the high subarray
              else if (k > arr[mid]) {
                  low = mid + 1;
          // Target value is not present in the array
          return -1;

    Time complexity The time complexity of this solution is logarithmic, O(log \space n) O(log n) .

Space complexity The space complexity of this solution is constant, O(1) O(1) If you have a better solutoin you can drop it in the comments.